While transitioning into implementing a new platform to enable Sales can seem tedious, Biocartis found that not only was Showpad easy to use — it also helped them produce better content for their buyers.
“Showpad offers so many advantages that it’s quite easy to get everyone on board in the implementation of using this tool. ”
Video Transcript
What were some business challenges Biocartis was trying to overcome?
Our first commercial product was launched in September 2014, and we had many challenges, of course. We didn’t have a digital sales tool yet; we worked with brochures, emails, and PowerPoints, which made it difficult to keep everything updated and ensure aligned communication among everyone working on the same product, with the same goal in mind. We wanted a more unified solution, one suitable for Europe and the rest of the world. This is how we ended up using Showpad.
What are some of the benefits of using Showpad?
Showpad offers so many advantages that it was quite easy to get everyone on board with implementing the tool. Before Showpad, we were using emails, PowerPoints, and different versions of brochures, which made things difficult. It’s such an advantage to use Showpad and have updated information available quickly and easily. We saw the salesforce adapt to this quite quickly.
What are your favorite Showpad features?
The features I like about Showpad are that you can share information extremely easily and tailor it customer by customer. It’s also an excellent tool to use at conferences. We use it throughout the event instead of relying on a huge amount of printed brochures. If customers want more information, we can send it by using the Showpad tool.
What impact has Showpad had on Biocartis?
It’s clear that it’s an excellent tool for our salesforce, and they are extremely happy to use it. It’s a tool that motivates and makes it very easy to maintain aligned communication across the entire salesforce. The efficiency of sales meetings is another important aspect, as you only have a couple of days to transfer a huge amount of information. Showpad makes it possible to have all the presentations ready in advance.
For example, during product training, our sales teams already have the presentations available on their Showpads, which saves us a lot of time and reduces the need for brochures, printouts, and so on.
For me, the ecological footprint is also a very important aspect and a major advantage of Showpad.
How do you use Showpad at trade shows and conferences?
We use Showpad a lot at conferences when customers ask questions at our booth. We have our traditional messages, but for any specific questions, we can easily use Showpad and immediately send the information to our customers. That is a very customer-centric way of engaging with them.
What are some Showpad benefits?
My favorite thing about Showpad is that it’s a tool that really motivates our salesforce. It gives us the ability to deliver a very tailored, customer-centric approach, and it’s a great tool for marketing to see what our customers like to read and where they focus their attention.
What are some of your company goals?
We’re still ramping up our business and growing very fast. Therefore, a good communication tool is crucial to ensure aligned communication across our entire salesforce. Showpad will definitely remain a partner of ours moving forward.