Your content is being ignored by buyers because it’s irrelevant

The content marketing creates for the sales team needs to be customizable. It’s time to equip your sellers with dynamic marketing assets.

April 4, 2024

Content is the fuel that powers every customer interaction. And the best content is tailored based on the unique needs of every customer. Sellers can no longer rely on the standard, one-size-fits-all pitch — which is why sales and marketing must demonstrate a deep understanding of a buyer’s unique business needs, by delivering personalized and dynamic content.

Except there’s one obvious roadblock: sellers are unable to easily customize assets to make them more relevant to a given buyer.

Too often marketers deliver static, generic content, leaving reps left on their own to spend hours tailoring the materials. To create unique assets, sellers then have to download, edit, and reupload content between every buyer interaction. This completely disrupts the seller workflow and robs reps of critical time they could be spending with buyers and forging relationships.

How to create personalized content that addresses real pain points.

Deliver easily customizable content:

The best content is tailored based on the unique needs of any given buyer. Marketing must make it easy for sellers to quickly personalize content, while remaining on-brand, to show that they understand the buyer’s specific goals and challenges. Create modular content that can be mixed and matched by sellers to fit a distinct buyer. That can take the form of creating multiple versions of a slide for the seller to select from in a deck.

Develop insightful content that engages:

Traditional decks, static one-pagers, automated emails, and generic call scripts don’t help your sellers move the needle with buyers anymore. To help sellers capture and keep buyers’ attention, you must provide reps with immersive digital buyer experiences that can be used in-person and virtually. Digital experiences should drive the buyer to the most relevant solutions, products, and value propositions.

It’s time to empower sellers with customizable content that closes deals.

The era of the static, impersonal sales pitch is behind us. It’s time to pivot to messaging that not only speaks directly to the buyer’s experience but also adapts to their evolving needs.

Your marketing team may be up against this challenge — and other obstacles — that prevent messaging alignment with sales. Check out our article “Stop creating content that your sellers aren’t using” for advice on how to locate and provide the right content for buyers at the right time.