The Missing Link in Enablement: The Frontline Sales Managers

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Enabling the Modern Frontline Sales Manager

Ideally, effective sales enablement means a strong partnership with frontline leaders. But too many sales enablement teams have underinvested in this critical role. What does it take to enable the right sales management behaviors in today’s environment? How can sales enablement and sales managers work together to elevate sales performance?

Doing this right means more than promoting the idea of coaching. It requires co-creating and co-executing the sales enablement strategy side-by-side with sales managers.

In this webinar, Russell Wurth, VP of Sales Enablement at Showpad and Brian Williams, Partner at Brevet Group break down the elements of modern sales management and highlight the critical points of enablement for the role.

To bring the concepts to life, Michael Pennachio, AVP Sales Excellence at Dormakaba will share practical learnings from their enablement journey that leveraged Showpad as a powerful tool to elevate sales leadership discipline and rigor. 

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • How to build the right partnership with sales managers 
  • The critical success factors to enabling frontline sales leaders 
  • And practical actions to make your sales manager enablement plan a reality